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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  December 28, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PST

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he walks the talk. kennedy: she is branding you with her love. we're staying right here for "outnumbered overtime." it is on the web. find us on so easy to find us there. we'll be back on tv tomorrow at noon eastern. "happening now" starts right now.
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occupation. they are destroying hopes for peace on both sides and cementing an inreversible one- state reality that most people do not çwant. the president-elect took too twitter. peter, how badly does the president-elect think that the obama administration damage the the u.s. relationship with israel. >> the president-elect does not think that the u.s. and israel is on friendly terms. he took to twitter that said.
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we can't let israel be treated with disdain and disrespect. they used to have a friendç in the u.s. and not anymore. stay strong israel, january 20th is fast approaching. january 20th is mr. trump's inauguration. and that caught the attention of netanyahu. president-elect trump. thank you for your warm friendship and clear cut support for israel. and the days of doing secret back channels. now world leaders talk out in the openytju everyone to say. >> the president-elect, what is he up to today, peter? >> three hours from now. we need to be on stand by from
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a positive economic announcement from the president-elect. we don't know what it is. the transition team is keeping us guessing. we found out that the president-elect received the presidential daily briefing and had a meeting with the carlyle group david ruben stein and meet with a handful of executives from the mayo clinic and johnç hop skins and cleveland clinic. and they are represented by dr. toby causegrove is a leading contender to get nomination for va- secretary is. >> one note, we expect to hear from benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel and his response to the lengthy john kerry speech coming up 45 minutes from now. joining us now is brian hooç
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who worked under president bush. secretary kerry remove the full throated condemnation of the israel settlement activity, was that surprising at all? >> he continues the obama tradition of abandoning israel. john kerry said he was a friend to israel but friends like him who needs enemies. if you are are explaining, you are losing. and obama is explaining for abandoning israel. itç is important to look at middle east. aleppo is burning, iran is racing to a nuclear weapon and worst refugee cries since world war ii. and what is obama focused on? israelis building houses.
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congress should step in. this is malpractice. >> he laid out arguments as to what israel is doing and stopping a two- state solution and why that is the only way for peace. it would obstruct the flow of people ifç you had a two state solution and it is deliberate where they are building the home and having a single state. can can't be a jewish state and be democratic at the same time and all of those violate u.s. principles. what is wrong with that argument? >> the status of jerusalem needs to be decided by the parties on the ground. it can't be decided by united nations or john kerry or president obama. john kerry achieved the feat of alienating the israeli and palestinian by meddlingç nothi
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the peace process. and throwing israel to the wolves will not advance the cause of middle east peace. the u.n. is the worst forum to resolve the issue of palestinian and israeli. >> what is a better forum. >> the parties themselves without obama and kerry putting the thumb on the scale for the palestinians. >> the point of the u.n. this is an area that is in dispute for a very long time and not being resolved on its own. the argument is to get together as a unitedç group of nations foster a solution and negotiation. >> such an organization would make sense if it did not have a long and ugly history bis against israel. it is not a level playing field. more resolutions have been passed against israel in the u.n. than iran, north korea and
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syria and russia combined. it is a bad forum to work through the issues. if countries want to be helpful, they can help behind the scenes and the united states can stop trashing israel asç an alley. the role they are playing is not constructive. >> brian hook, thank you you for your time. >> it looks like the relationship with israel will be different under the trump administration than under obama who hoped to hand the reigns to hillary clinton. many democrats still blame outside forces for clinton's loss suggesting that mr. trump's voters made choizs on bigotry and hatred. but the new york times calls them out. saying mr. trump won because of
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this. much of the white class decided that trump could be a jerk. they supported the jerk that was more on their side. that is the issues that concern them. david paul kuhn, political activity and author. what make its worthy, david, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> you don't buy the yfdangry white voters put trumpç in the white house? >> no, what is troubleing, it was full circle. 1994, republicans barnstormed congress and this term angry white male was invented. it was used 12 times in the mainstream media and in the 94 land slide it was used over 1500 time and hear bill clinton
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explaining his wife's loss and citing full circ and he will shows a lack of sympathy that the democrats extend to other groups. >> she sort of suggested in thaç deplorables comment. half of donald trump's supporters fit in a basket of deplorable and names racism and all kinds of ism's and suggesting that a quarter of the voting public is racist or homophobic. >> it is bad politics and contrary to liberalism. why were the democrats offended by mitt romney's 47 percent comment. we are giving gifts to democrat and that's why they are voting democratic. that'sç the way hillary clintos comment assumed the worst for the republicans. this is dangerous.
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every time there is a making of a republican party it is the worst in voters whether it is fear or racism and sexism. >> you have picked apart the polling patterns. and you find people's attitudes of donald trump regarding women, they didn't necessarily like what they heard about him. they deplored them but voted for him. >> theyç weren't voting for th most decent candidate. they were voting for the candidate that felt was their champion. and democrats know what it is like to overlook faults with their champion as they practiced bill p clinton. they overlooked his behavior with women and stood by their candidate notably be in the lewinski scandal. >> you point out one in five
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didn't have a favorable view of either candidate. and if voters had dividedç evey between them, mrs. clinton would have won. they are overlooking something they didn't like in donald trump to vote for. they were porportionately white males. a swath of voters that voteded for donald trump. why? he was the vote against the status kwoechlt the democratic party was closer to the roots then perhaps hillary clinton would not have been in this positionç nor the democratic party. and the introinspection catalyzed from the outcome is not seen in the democratic party. >> obviously republicans were hugely disappointed when mitt
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romney lost and kaine before him when obama had had two terms. i don't remember the visceral anger that is given to donald trump. is my memory short? >> you are right. but i am not letting the candidate off. donald trump said controversial and that isç a gentle word. words, tweets and he has antagonized the democratic base on multiple occasions. but you shouldn't assume the worst in your opposition. just because you lost the election, doesn't mean you lost it because your opposition was voting for the worst attributes of their belief system. they didn't get the best of you because of the worst of them. and both parties do this and unfortunately the democratic party is doing this now. and often, liberalç elites don
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think they are punching down. they think they are punching up. but they are punching down. >> they didn't lose because voters are bigoted. chaos in the mall as 200 young people form a flash mob. several people are facing charges. plus, more than a year russia denied allegations of widespread doping of olympics athletes, sport officials speaking out about what they admit is a çinstitutional conspiracy. clear g new cars.
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>> right now, russia is back tracking on an earlier admission of widespread doping of its olympics athletes, the athletic director of the anti- doping agency call today a institutional conspiracy. officials claim she was misquoted but the times is standing bite story and the quotes therein. we'll talk about it on christopher swift a georgetown adjunct professor, jared max is
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on sirius xm radio. i wanted to open upon the segment with the startling admission from the russians, yes, we were doping but now saying we didn't mean what it said. >> for what it is said. the new york times reporter said all of the quotes are accurate. i don't find it surprising that it is back tracking and no connection to the russian state sponsoring that. it is no surprise they back pedalled on the statement today. >> what surprised me, christopher that they came out with a statement in the first place. it was acting head of the anti- doping agency might be be in fear of her job or something worse? >> that's not surprising in one sense.
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there is a ruling and investigation from the world anti- doping agency and laid out the facts here. and the facts are not in dispute unless you work at the press office of the kremlin. and what we are seeing here is something that we see in russian politics frequently. the leadership has a factual determination based on science and determinations and get in the realm of advisors close to vladimar put anyone. and immediately denied. that is a difficulty we have in the media and ordinary russians live with. distinguishing between the facts that are true and right. what does it say about the medals in the sochi olympics and other competitions. they have been doping them for
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years. >> there is thousands of names implemented and that was perfected by the sochi games in london and 2014 in sochi. and what does it say from the layman that there is a let of cheating going on. and the most of any country, how many of them are in doubt. and how many 13 god medals are legitimate. did we take away any of barry bonds home runs? no. it is not like it happen uponed. as sports fans, we saw the accomplishments and they cheated and whatever. >> christopher, what is the bigger picture. people might shrug it off and say the russians dope up the athletes. and it doesn't mean they are bad
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actor in international affairs or does it? >> the russians are not the only ones that have problem. the chinese government is accused of doing similar things and independent sports federation and baseball and france. there is plenty of doping to go around. but in russia tis a desire to win. when you get rid of all of the other constraints and pour in society. the things we take for granted in the west. and don't necessarily play out the same way for yushia. it is disconcerting for ordinary russians including the athletes that are playing by the rules
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but discredited because of the association to rule breakers. >> stand arounds should apply to governments equally. >> that's a less an that everyone takes to art. >> thanks to both of you. >> new fallout for secretary of state kerry mideast policy street. and he questioned netanyahu's commitment. the next go guess said it focused too much on the settlement issue and not the eye sticking. and a new investigation in the derlinchristmas margaret. why he was just dehappen. why he was just dehappen. chlorred
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>> right now, a new arrest in connection with the deadly berlin terror attack. the 40-year-old tunisian man may be linked to amri. who is believed to driving the truck killing 12 and injuring more in. amri was killed in a shootout
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with the italian police and a new phone number was found in amri's cell phone. fox news alert. secretary of state john kerry final mideast policy speech where he defended the u.s.'s refusal to block the u.n. resolution and he laid out obama vision for peace that includes a two state solution and calling on israel to reject that. >> israel can either be be jewish or democratic and can't be be both and will not be ever at peace. and the palestinians will never realize their vast potential with a one state solution. >> joining us now. the director of u.n. and a contributor. that statement that jumps out at
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me. israel can't be a jewish state and democracy at the same time. he talked about the fact that israel was the one that was jeopardizing its own security by ventureing out farther with the settlements and fans flames of hatred. very harsh. >> it is ironic during hanukkah where the jewish people are are trying to get help from the roman empire. it is problematic. he kept peddling in these falsehoods about the essence of the conflict. he spent 45 minutes about the settlement and 45 seconds about terrorism. and the fact that the settlement upons is an obstacle is absurd.
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>> address that point that is provocative. that is true, yes? >> in the eyes of the palestinian. you are talking about you know, a truck with people living inside. they can be taken down in the past. it is lud krus. and the vast majority of the growth happened in areas that are clearly in israeli territory and natural growth. this is not israeli being bussed and shipped in to the territory. they are settled parts of israel. it is ludicrous. >> and his within again they are purposely put up in places that restrict the free flow of people and make it impossible be to decide the two state. that is the design, is that true? >> absolutely not. he talked about no free movement of the palestinians in the west
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bank. i have travelled hundreds of miles from the west bank. there are no obstacles or road blocks. it is a falsehood that is not true. there are settlements, true. if israel wanted a two state solution. they can disband them. they did it in the sinai or gazas. obstacles to peace are terrorism. >> and talk about the bottom line. two state solution as the only path forward to peace. and we heard that repeatedly said. >> my personal opinion. you will not have a really peace with a palestinian and jewish state. that is what i agreemented israelis offer palestinian a state.
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and then do they want their on or about own state? do the palestinians want their own state in the area that kerry defined. i am not sure the answer is yes. >> john republicans will be in the driver's seat. and one claim is the wind of opportunity could close if they don't act quickly. and the sudden death of actress carrie fisher talk shines the light on heart disease and how to prevent it.
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>> president-elect trump and republican led congress reading to hit the ground running. they highlight the importance of taking action and if the republicans don't repeal obama care immediately. it takes over and nothing changes. the more time between repeal and replace the more the danger will grow that is the danger.
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donald trump described it as one motion. repeal and replace. how essential that there is no time gap in there. >> that makes sure tom price is nominated and put in place as hhs secretary. no matter what law they pass. you need them to know how to implement the laws. and people will be frustrated and flame the party in power and it goes to reason that democrats will do everything they can to
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saw no, no, no. and make is difficult they tear the page out of their playbook and let the republicans live or die by what they are not able to accomplish. >> can't that didn't work out well for the party. >> and i don't know that that was the key to success for republicans. >> the ten democratic u.s. senators won by donald trump are looking for ways to be help excel find ideas they can support. there are media reports that democrats are open to
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replacements for obama care and get rid of the taxes that obama care put in place and finding a way to handle the doctor shortage. it is harder for patients to get the health care they need. >> and the solution is simple. but if democrats worked with republicans and the solution worked, couldn't they say eye votered for it and i was helping and others were sitting on the sideline and saying letting you go down the drain so i can have a victory. no, i was trying to fix. that would be a good strong
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point for democrats, no? >> i signed my own family up for obama care in california and it was horr and i believe no question that something has to happen. why are are we focused on insurance. why not connecting people with their doctors and get the insurance companies out of it. y we are close nothing on our gd. we are focused on the wrong thing with the ag- policy and putting insurance companies in it. >> praise the lord. that makes all kinds of sense. as someone who studied business. he is right. is there any chance we get close tore the solution. it is more obvious. >> you are on point. but the challenge is that is where obama care realized they could control the health care
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system if they controlled who got paid and how much. it is solution is not for the government to own and operate the health care system. but to put up a guard rail to make sure there is a level playing field and safety net and when someone needs help. they are able to get assistance with their health care and not have the government be health care. and another brawl breaks out in a maul. and young people facing charges. our legal panel weighs in. >> these teenager and juveniles were able to get on social media
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and snap chat and they were able to all meet up at this location be at the philadelphia mills mall. and police were ready for them and proactive.
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>> new information we told you yesterday. four young people were arrested for another mall fight in mills mall in philadelphia.
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there was multiple incidents monday. and this one was planned on social media. we'll go to our newsroom with more. >> hard are to believe that mall fights is trending. groups of teens coordinating disruptions and it didn't take long for police to catch o. this happened in northeast philly and 3- 400 juveniles arriving and intent on in the food court. and police were tipped off to the plan. police and mall security prevented them from going inside. 90 of them got in and started a ruckus. and four of them were arrested on multiple charges. >> when they got in the food court area they acted disorderly and jumping on table and charge and yelling and screaming and
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carrying-on. >> and the cops flew in from everywhere. we had tried to get in through jc penney but they locked the mall down. >> there was huge melee on monday. there was mass evacuations after false reports of gunfire. in ohio officers used pepper spray. and fayetteville, north carolina there was blans called. social media could be be the common threat and used to loosely organize these events. thank you. >> and for more on this. we'll bring in the legal panel and bring in former follow defense attorney. and hats off emily to the philadelphia police. they got wind by monitoring snap chat and 200 kids show up on the
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city buses, the police prevented most from getting in to the mall. is that constitutional. police say you are 17 and here with a horrede, therefore you can't go in? >> they can and here's why, remember the malls are private property and the owner and operators of the mall can restrict the and prevent criminal behavior. and the fact that all of these teens are facing charges? >> a few are interesting here. number one felony assault in the state of philadelphia does not require bodily injury. fear of bodily injury is enough. if a 18-year-old subjects a 12-year-old to fear of bodily injury that ups the crime. that is behavior that substantially obstructs law
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enforcementes duty and a they are more dramatic than they are here in reality and that's what the teens are facing right now. >> if it was organized on social media, i have to wond fer the you law is keeping up to the times. if you wanted to get 200 people to show up. you had to make a phone call to a thousand. you wouldn't be be do. it but social media allow its like that? >> i think these kids may be be out of school and few of them may learn hard lessons. and that is true of the one minor who attempted to strike a police officer. and you are right, in times gone by it may have been difficult to roundup a crowd of 200 people. today it is it easy to roundup
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people. but that doesn't did make it less of a crime to insight a riot. and at least the reports i have seen, it appears that that may be be what happened here. a concerted effort to whip up a frenzy in multiple locations by the way. a dozen location. and we don't have information tying these events together or any particular group of people behind the events and certainly right now. the circumstantial evidence seems to suggest that there is a connection and tie and not just happenstance in a small two-day period. and so certainly, i would look for connections that are drawn. >> that is the point i was going to make. this discussion two days in a row. and the days after christmas there was a dozen riots erupt nothing shopping malls in a dozen different states.
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hats off to the police in the philadelphia mills case for at least stopping most of the kids from getting in. but what're the mall owners supposed to do. sue snap chat? >> that's a common discussion. the liability. social media platforms for the content that is posted. they can be be sued and it is up to them to defend and our disclaimer was iron clad. and we deterred this behavior and hiding about behind section 230. and that counter argument is, you are having an attractive nuisance. the kids are using it in that way. and you make it novel when you use it in conjunction with with advertisementes for the use. the fact that it crosses state border and elevates a lot of charges to the federal
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component. and remember the mall owners tis proved reporter and they can shut their doors and no longer attract brands that are allureing to teens and seize using those brands. >> you close your door and wrecking it for everyone else. i am surprised that there was only one arrest after the latest philadelphia insdept. wouldn't the police be wise to throw the purchasings in the paddy wagon and let them be in juvenile detention or would they consider that a beige of honor. >> i can't speak to whether they will they feel it is it an honor. and i am don't know that all 200 kids committed a crime. certain he the people who
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destroyed property were arrested. we know it was four people. we don't know the facts yet. i am not so sure snap chats could be held liable in the case. since the people who created the mayhem are probably not worth suing, really the general liability insurance policys is all they are left. and in the day. someone of the people did will be held lie automobile. >> and we will hope it doesn't happy again tonight. remembering carrie fisher who died suddenly at the age of 60. she had a heart ax tack days ago. and how much do americans know about their heart disease.
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and how it affects men and women differently.
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hi, everyone, i'm heather nauert. we're waiting for
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president-elect trump's reaction to john kerry's speech on the middle east. plus donald trump about to make a major economic announcement. and one state is about to make it illegal to even hold your cellphone while driving. overkill or not? we'll explain on "america's news headquarters" in just a few minutes. carrie fisher passed away days after suffering a massive heart attack on a flight from london to los angeles. warm front factors in her case remain unclear, of course. we know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the u.s., taking more than 600,000 lives every year. our guest is a cardiologist and the author of "women and cardiovascular disease." you certainly know a lot about this. you say it's more difficult to identify or to recognize in women. some of the symptoms which surprised me, atypical symptoms, are nausea, back pain, fu-like
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illness, a feeling of dread. tell me about that. >> you're exactly right. men typically present with chest pain, shortness of breath, very classic symptoms. women may have very atypical symptoms such as like you mentioned, the nausea, the back pain. it may get blown off by the emergency room physicians or the patients themselves as not being cardiac related. so we see women being undertreated and underserved. >> if you feel like you have the flu for a long period of time you may have had or be having a heart attack, is that what you're saying? >> you have to interpret symptoms in the context of risk. i want all our viewers who are women to understand what are the risk factors for heart disease. diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, tobacco smoking. if you have these risk factors and have symptoms, you need to reach out to your physician and get screened.
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>> what if someone says, i have some risk factors but not others, how do i get started? >> women should talk to their primary care doctor, know what your symptoms are, understand your risk. if you have significant risk factors i would probably start with a stress test where we walk you on a treadmill with an evaluate ekg and look for abnormalities. from there we can move into more advanced testing. >> we're seeing more of this now than before, is that right? how come? >> i think we've reasonable done a great job of raising awareness of heart disease in men. it's thought to be a man's disease by the general public. we've got to do better now at treating women. because actually only about 50% of women realize that heart disease is their number one health threat. if we can educate and advocate and do research for cardiac disease in women, we can make a difference in outcomes for women too. >> people look at the case of carrie fisher.
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obviously we don't know a lot of details about that. it's still a period of time where people are so sad about her loss. and i don't want to diminish from that at all. but looking at this case, it reminds people about the risks. what are some other risks that are out there? because she was very vocal about the fact, sharing that she had drug abuse problems in the past, that, you know, she was a victim of bipolar disorder and was open about that to try and help other people. but are those the kinds of things that might create more risk? >> you know, you're exactly right. any time you abuse substances, it does things that are negative to our health and our body. and it also is associated with other habits, maybe binge eating and drinking too much. it can have a negative impact on your cardiac health. one of the things i like to think about, princess leia from "star wars" was a symbol of hope. i think carrie fisher would want to bring hope to millions of american women out there who had the same issues she had with
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maybe mental illness or heart disease and inspire other people to take care of their health. >> i think she would want that, she was such an advocate for mental health, such an inspiration. thank you for joining us today. thank you, melissa. >> check out, click on the "opinion" tab for our guest's editorial piece, check it out. the crystal ball on times square will help us count down on new year's eve, next.
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liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what?
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yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance time for the final 30. the times square alliance and waterford crystal unveiling their new year's eve ball in times square. >> that's got to be heavy. made up of more than 2500 crystal panels illuminated by 32,000 l.e.d. lights. this year's ball drop will be initiated by outgoing u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon. catch all of the festivities leading up to 2017 right here on fox news channel. that's going to be fun. >> it is going to be fun.
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it's always so exciting to see the ball drop. >> janice says it will be relatively warm. so there you go. >> thank you for having us today and that you understand. >> "america's news headquarters" starts now. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu now responding to secretary of state john kerry's speech on the middle east. hello everyone, i'm heather nauert. let's listen in. >> the disagreement between our two governments over ways to advance peace and stability in the middle east. i have no doubt our alliance will endure the profound disagreement we have had with the obama administration and will become even stronger in the future. but now i must express my deep disappointment with the speech today of john kerry.


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